“This is a phenomenal review of findings and the recommendations for messaging are spot on. Thank you for helping us to clarify what is happening in the home visiting field, and for outlining next steps in a way that is accessible for us and our partners.”
Shari Levine, Vermont Department of Health
“Crowd Proof helped us understand leading insights practices and technologies, refined surveys to meet our objectives, and delivered robust and usable insights platforms. We now have a much better understanding of our markets and customers, our strengths and weaknesses, and how we are improving over time.”
Tom Berry, SunCommon
“I have full confidence in Crowd Proof and their ability to exceed expectations as a market research partner. Their exceptional quality, reliability, and use of best practices make them an ideal choice for any organization.”
Aimee Frost, University of Vermont
“The results of the project have proven extremely useful. We have shared them with partners and the program team has incorporated insights provided by Crowd Proof into the design of the next five-year program. We're thankful to have been able to work with such a high-performing and responsive research team.”
Dana Ward, Vermont Department of Health
“Crowd Proof was able to decode marketing jargon and strategy and that has led to growth in our business. They were professional, patient, and kind. The excitement they bring to their work is contagious.”
Nikki Whelley, Vermont Evaporator Company